Do it like they do on the discovery channel

I have recently discovered that my innocent 10 year old has discovered porn. Mental note to self. Parental controls would’ve really come in handy. I am not a prude by any means and I have always been honest, without being too honest, when he has questions of the sexual nature. He knows without graphic detail where babies come from and how they are made. He knows, without graphic detail, why mom is a bitch for one week out of the month. What he has figured out is that when it comes to porn, mom is a liar. In order to sway him away from it, I lied and told him that watching porn can make you blind. Well, his eyesight is still 20/20, even after I snooped at his kindle history and saw the montage of porn. My sweet little boy. The one who still snickers at farts. The one who blushes should he catch even a glimpse of me getting dressed. My innocent son, who is just now dancing on the edge of puberty, knows who Ron Jeremy is. Who Traci Lords is. That Debbie really did do Dallas. And that there’s a whole other world out there that mom didn’t mention. Thank you older siblings for filling in those gaps for me. So I really can’t undo what those innocent eyes have seen. My only approach is that when the time is right sexually, (and it better be at least 20 years from now), is to have a little chat about what goes on in the bedroom. I don’t want him filling his head with porn and mixing it with reality on how things really are. Chances are son your wife will not look like those porn stars. She will probably not want you to pull her hair or smack her ass. She won’t take kindly to your suggestion of a threesome. And don’t expect to come home from work and find her spread eagle on the dining room table with her best lingerie on.
But for now? Give me the kindle and you are grounded.

2 thoughts on “Do it like they do on the discovery channel

  1. Pingback: Prudes | WTF! AYS?

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